Page 1 - 20191216_ViewsOnConsultationDocumentEOLCare
P. 1

            16  December 2019

            Professor Sophia Chan, JP
            Secretary for Food and Health
            Food and Health Bureau
            c/o: Assistant Secretary for Food and Health (Health) 6B
            19/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong

            Dear Professor Chan,
                    Submission of Our Hong Kong Foundation’s Views on the Consultation Document
                    ‘End-of-life Care: Legislative Proposals on Advance Directives and Dying in Place’

            We would like to share our views in response to the captioned consultation document on advance
            directives (AD) and related end-of-life care (EoLC) arrangement in Hong Kong.
            Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF) acknowledges the Government’s continuous efforts in improving
            end-of-life experience in Hong Kong. To complement the Government’s recent legislative proposal on
            this topic, OHKF has completed a study titled “Fostering Medical-Social Collaboration in Achieving
            Quality End-of-life Care”. This study explored views held towards EoLC in the community,
            specifically through the lens of potential EoLC service end-users reached in a telephone polling
            exercise. The polling, commissioned by OHKF and conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-
            Pacific Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, was executed through telephone interviews
            with 1,001 Hong Kong residents between 26 November and 6 December 2019 to understand public
            perception and practice related to end-of-life care services in local communities.  This submission,
            consolidating our survey findings and research insights, hopes not only to resonate with the
            Government’s determination in propelling end-of-life care development in Hong Kong, but also
            complement the Government’s plans on related service planning and modelling. OHKF believes that the
            Government’s proposal will be largely conducive to facilitate implementation of advance directives and
            dying in place. Yet, an overarching policy framework and a meticulous service model for EoLC at the
            community level are equally vital for moving towards a more sustainable health system that facilitates a
            better, and more dignified end-of-life journey for Hong Kong citizens.

            Our views are summarised into three themes as detailed below:

                 Public education and advocacy
                 Capacity planning
                 EoLC service provision in community settings

            1  The executive summary and survey report of the study are attached in appendices of this submission.

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