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    Our Mission

    The Academy of Chinese Studies promotes traditional Chinese culture and tells the stories of China today. Through innovative means, rich contents, and multiple perspectives, the Academy parades the glittering culture of the traditional China, presents the great rejuvenation of modern China, and probes the opportunities for the future of China in an age of tectonic changes. Rooted in Hong Kong with a global outlook, the Academy aims to foster the national identity of the younger generations in Hong Kong so that they know the past and connect it with the present to conquer the future. The Academy helps the world hear what China says, see how it grows, and understand what it aspires. 


    Our Mission

    Hong Kong Chronicles Institute inherits the time-honoured Chinese tradition of compiling local chronicles by taking up the historic mission of producing the first-ever Hong Kong Chronicles. The book series serves as a comprehensive, systematic and objective record of Hong Kong’s past, detailing its natural environment, politics, economy, society, culture and people. In recording Hong Kong’s progress over time, Hong Kong Chronicles serves the important functions of preserving history, shedding light on policymaking, and educating the people. The first round of the project commenced in 2019  for completion by 2027.