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Executive Summary

                               Our Hong Kong Foundation has actively been advocating for the need to improve our ailing health system to make it fit for purpose

                        in the 21  century. We previously launched a health policy research report that looks into how Hong Kong’s health system can prepare and
                        adapt in the face of (a) an ageing population and (b) the growing burden of chronic diseases that have become more prevalent among
                        younger generations. We advocate for system-wide changes to be developed, designed and implemented in moving towards a primary

                        care-led, integrated, person-centred health system that adequately meets the healthcare needs of our population.

                               Amidst the many challenges faced by our health system, the issue of shortage of doctors remains unresolved and has once again

                        resurfaced in the public arena causing widespread concerns. Particularly in the public sector, the severe shortage of doctors contributes to
                        the challenge of timely access to quality healthcare for our local population and immediate action needs to be taken. While the current study
                        puts focus on the critical doctor shortage issue in Hong Kong, we recognise that many other aspects of our health system need
                        enhancement for a good health ecosystem and these will be addressed in future reports.

                   1. Hong Kong’s health system is challenged by the severe shortage of doctors

                        i.  Su cient healthcare manpower is fundamental in a well-functioning health system that provides timely and appropriate care to meet healthcare needs of the population. However,
                        in the city’s first comprehensive healthcare manpower review by the Food and Health Bureau (2017), projections forecasted a shortfall of approximately 500 doctors by 2020
                        and 1,007 by 2030. Notably, these projections assumed the maintenance of the 2015 standard of health services provision (and various other assumptions that may not be
                        realistic), a standard characterised by chronically overloaded public hospital wards manned by chronically overworked doctors. As we work to move away from this standard of
                        care, the projected shortfalls are clearly underestimated.

                        ii.  In 2017, our population of close to 7.4 million people was served by 14,290 fully registered doctors, equating to having approximately 1.9 doctors for every 1,000 people in Hong
                        Kong. This number is well below the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) average of 3.4 and we lag behind international peers including Singapore
                        (2.4). In other words, Hong Kong needs an addition of approximately 3,000 doctors to catch up with Singapore, and approximately 10,000 doctors to catch up with other
                        well-developed regions. This shortfall would continue to worsen if we do not increase the number of doctors in the public sector on a massive scale very quickly. In tackling a
                        shortage of doctors, reference could be made to Singapore- a place with fewer doctors per 1,000 population than Hong Kong in 2008 but subsequently increased the total
                        number of doctors by 70% to surpass Hong Kong in less than a decade.
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