Page 7 - Demo
P. 7

                                    If all measures remain unchanged and proceed at the current pace, the Government will not achieve its own low target. Therefore, we advise the Government to take a bold step forward and expedite all major land-supply initiatives, including NDA development, rezoning, topside development on railways, and urban redevelopment, and others, while streamlining the current administrative procedures for land and housing development. We regard Lantau Tomorrow Vision as a key component in shifting stakeholders’ expectations on the upcoming land and housing supply. It will be an important lever in speeding up the land clearance and resettlement issues that are often bottlenecks in other land development projects. We hope that the whole society could rally behind the Government’s efforts to take forward all land and housing development projects proactively, so that we will have a chance to move away from the abyss and enable every citizen to have a comfortable home! Now is the defining moment to turn the tide of the city’s woeful housing crisis5
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