Page 7 - LanHse_Part2_Increase_land_eng
P. 7

IV. Our Recommendations

            1. A change of mindset: understanding the fact of shortage of land supply and
            reviewing the avenues of land supply in an objective, calm and pragmatic manner.

               (i) Reclamation: Currently, the Government has identified six sites with
            potentials for reclamation. However, there is seemingly still some way to go
            if our medium- to long-term development needs are to be met. It is
            probably time for the society to discuss the need to include more
            reclamation sites on top of the six that are currently selected.

               (ii) Land use rezoning: Land use rezoning may not be the most ideal
            option to increase land supply from the perspective of planning efficiency.
            However, we do have a shortage in land supply and it takes a fairly long
            time to solve the problem. If hefty accommodation costs are a common
            problem facing all Hong Kong citizens, it is not unreasonable to expect the
            solution to come from everyone too. Otherwise, as the number of elders
            aged 65 or above doubles, where are we going to find sufficient land to
            build the urgently needed hospitals, nursing homes, and community centers
            for the elderly?

               (iii) Country Parks (CP): We entirely agree (1) that green area is of
            undoubtable importance for the city; and (2) we should not and cannot
            release an extensive share of CP for development. However, the “Country
            Parks Ordinance” which designated the current boundaries of CP was
            established 40 years ago. The Government could set up a platform to
            establish a set of scientific standards and criteria for reviewing the
            ecological value, service and use of all CP, and determine whether the
            boundary of CP should be altered based on such objective indicators. The
            platform should also regularly monitor and review such factors as the
            demand-supply balance of land, social and economic needs, to consider
            the need to develop the land originally designated as CP.

               (iv) Brownfield: Given the acute problem of land shortage, any possible
            source of supply should be fully utilized. Nevertheless, the development of
            brownfields still requires resumption of land, technical studies on
            transportation and environment, and approval from TPB. It might be over
            optimistic to expect brownfield to become the major source of land supply.

               (v) Other methods of change of land use: Any land resources that can be
            used more effectively should be considered, following a multi-pronged
            approach to increase land supply. In fact, the study on developing New
            Territories North covers the Fanling Golf Course and the Chief Executive’s
            Fanling Lodge. In the meantime, the Development Bureau is reviewing the
            “New Territories small house policy”. Nonetheless, all these land supply
            proposals take time. And even if we assume that the complex legal,
            constitutional and conceptual issues involved are resolved and all these
            land supply projects are materialized, most of these sites would likely be
            scattered across the territory and it would be difficult to achieve planning
               And as things stand, the total maximum amount of land that could be
            created by all the long-term land supply projects of the Government,
            including all reclamation proposals as well as the development of New
            Territories North, both of which are still under planning or feasibility study, is
            only 5,000 hectares. This is much less than the aforesaid 9,000 hectares long-
            term target. Unless other proposals could provide an additional 4,000 hectares
            of land, we should support any methods to increase land supply, including
            new town development, reclamation and developing country parks.

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