Page 8 - ReimaginingHK_Leaflet_Eng_Web_0802
P. 8

Have we considered the Chinese White Dolphins?
     Historical  surveys  suggest  that  the  distribution  of
     Chinese White Dolphins is limited to the western waters
     of  Hong  Kong,  which  does  not  coincide  with  our
     proposed  site.  Prior  to  the  actual  works,  an
     Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that investigates
     ways to minimise disruptions to the White Dolphins
     will also be conducted.

           Have we engaged with professional consultants
           on the project?

                             The EELM plan is a project led by Our Hong Kong
                             Foundation, supported by McKinsey & Company (a
                             professional consultancy firm), Arup (an engineering
                             consultancy  firm),  ERM-Hong  Kong  Limited  (an
                             environmental   consultancy   firm)   and   Ozzo
                             Technology (HK) Limited (a traffic consultancy firm).
                             The plan has been thoroughly researched and
                             studied in the course of the project.

           Are there any overseas examples of reclamation?
     Many of our neighbouring countries have resorted to reclamation in order to
     fulfill their societal and economic needs. In South Korea, the Saemangeum Free
     Economic Zone is 28,300 hectares of land reclaimed, which is equivalent to half of
     Seoul’s size. Over the past 50 years, Singapore has done reclamation equivalent to
     1/5 of its land area. Shenzhen has also reclaimed nearly 10,000 hectares of land in
     the past 30 years and it has plans to reclaim 5,500 hectares more. 60% of Macau’s
     current land mass is also acquired through reclamation.

             South Korea,                    Singapore has
       the Saemangeum Free
           Economic Zone                20% LAND AREA
                                            from reclamation
     28,300 HECTARES
            reclaimed land

              Shenzhen                        Macau has
     10,000 HECTARES                     60% LAND AREA
            reclaimed land                  from reclamation
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