Page 9 - ENGLISH_Housing
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2.Background: The

                                             Contemporary Picture

                                             2.1 Private and Public Household


                                                    In Hong Kong today, household dwellings are roughly evenly
                                             divided between the private and public sector. Table 1 shows that by the
                                             end of 2015, private sector owners and renters constitute about 53% of total
                                             domestic households, while 47% of households reside in various forms of
                                             government subsidised housing.  In particular, 16% live in subsidised sales
                                             units in which the “Home Ownership Scheme” (HOS) and the “Tenant
                                             Purchase Scheme” (TPS) makes up the majority, and 31% live in Public
                                             Rental Housing (PRH) Units.

                                             Table 1. Domestic households by type of housing, 2015

                                              Note    :  (*) Subsidised sales flats that can be traded in open market are excluded.
                                              Source:        Census and Statistics Department.

                                                    Hong Kong has a large public housing sector even by international
                                             standards. Table 2 shows that among other advanced economies, the
                                             percentages of domestic households in the population living in public
                                             sector housing pale in comparison with Hong Kong.

                                             Table 2. Percentage of domestic households living in public rental housing
                                             in selected economies

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