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 任詠華教授  任詠華教授自小對科學、大自然充滿好奇,一次機緣巧合  When  Professor  Vivian  Yam  was  a  child,  she  was  full   may open a new door to the next level of science. It is a
               of curiosity about the wonders of science and nature.
                                                                  lifelong, self-learning process,” she explained.
 激 發了她 對 科 學 的痴 迷,從 此 踏 上 孜 孜 不倦 的科 研 路。
 Professor Vivian YAM  任 教 授 致 力 研 究 無 機 化學 和光 化學,並 取 得 卓 越 成 就,  Her interest in science was aroused by a serendipitous   Decades of dedication and hard work have earned
               encounter. Since then, she has embarked on a relentless
               journey to pursue her passion by conducting research   Professor Yam national and global accolades. At the age
 任教授求學時期成績彪炳,卻沒有選擇大眾眼中最有前途  in inorganic chemistry and photochemistry, ultimately   of 38, she became the youngest member of the Chinese
 的學科,反而繼續探索她熱愛的化學。任教授決心將科研  paving her way to becoming one of the greatest Hong   Academy of Sciences. She was also recently elected as
 Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy
 成 果落地,解決 各 類 迫切 的科 學問題。任 教 授 成 功 研 發  Kong scientists of all time.  President of the International Organization for Chemical
 The University of Hong Kong
 嶄新的發光金屬化合物,較突出的是一系列可蒸鍍及可溶液                                       Sciences in Development (IOCD) at UNESCO to promote
 加工的金(III)配合物。這類發光材料具有可覆蓋整個可見  Despite  her  shining  achievements  in  school,  Professor   chemical sciences for sustainable development.
 光譜的發光特性,亦展示出優良的電致發光性能。它們可  Yam did not choose a discipline that might promise a
 應 用於有機發光二極管(OLED)顯示器,較 傳 統照明和  lucrative career. Instead, she followed her passion in   Making Hong Kong Brilliant and Bright
 顯示器更節能、更實惠,並能減少全球能源需求,紓緩全球  chemistry.  Aiming  to  solve  pressing  issues  and  make   Although Professor Yam has become a person of great
 暖化和氣候變化。      an impact through real-world application, she pioneered   renown in the global chemistry community, she never
               the development of new classes of luminescent metal   lost  sight  of  her  humble  beginning.  As  a  home-grown
 享受科研過程的滿足感    complexes,  particularly  small-molecule  evaporable  and   scientist of Hong Kong, she eagerly wishes to contribute
 在任教授眼中,化學是一門極具可塑性的創意學科。只要  solution-processable  gold(III)  complexes  that  emit  light,   and give back to the place where she belongs. She
 融會貫通,便能造出嶄新的化學分子,更能創造具備新功能  with higher performance and longer operational stability   has carried on teaching and disseminating knowledge,
 特性的物質。她相信,「失敗是科學研究的重要一環,不要  to  support  OLED  technology.  The  innovative  gold(III)   not only to convey the message that Hong Kong is an
 低估失敗的價值,它可提升科學水平,亦能開啟新的研究  complexes can exhibit electroluminescence, serving as   excellent place for basic science research and to build
 大門。這是一個終身的自我學習過程。」  energy-efficient OLED emitters to produce light of different   the city’s reputation on the international stage, but also to
               colours. Such complexes are more affordable and energy-  promote the importance of science to the general public.
 任教授數十年投身科研,贏得了國家與全球讚譽。她以38歲  efficient  than  traditional  lighting  and  display  technology,
 之齡成為中國科學院最年輕的院士,最近更獲選為聯合國  thereby reducing global energy consumption and alleviate   “We are living in a world full of challenges, and no
 教科文 組織成立的國際 化學科學發展組織主 席,以促 進  anthropogenic global warming and climate change.  singular effort can lead to success. Science has no
 化學的可持續發展。                                                        borders. We must work together in a collaborative and
               Contentment Lies in the Process of Scientific      collegial environment to make the world a better place,”
 讓東方之珠煥發光彩     Research                                           she remarked.
 相信自己、勇於走向世界,  任教授一直致力回饋香港,透過教學和科研指導傳承知識。  Professor Yam regards chemistry as a science of great
               creativity, from its ability to create new molecules to its
 成就無限的創造力。  希望藉此 證 明香 港有條 件發展卓越 的基 礎 科 研,並 提 升  understanding and manipulation, leading to construction
               of  things  that  never  exist  on  earth  with  new  functional
 Creativity comes from your   properties. She considers failure an essential part
 inner self and your exposure   任教授說,「我們身處在一個充滿挑戰的世界,不能靠一己  of  scientific  research,  for  it  can  lead  to  rewards  that   關於得獎者
               are  bigger  than  one  can  imagine.  “One  can  never
 之力成功。科學無疆界,學術界須攜手努力,構建一 個更
 to the world and beyond.  美好的世界。」  underestimate the outcome of failed experiments as it            About The Winner

                                                                                                  The InnoStars Award  11
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