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前言                                創意飛躍、激情滿滿                                                                                  Creative Leap with Passion

            Foreword                          近年來,世界正經歷百年未有的大 變 局,氣候暖 化、地緣 政治、科技發展 都在                                                    In recent years, the world has been undergoing major   All awardees are leaders in their own fields, demonstrating

                                              改 變 全球各地的政經民生面貌,一場世紀疫情更凸顯公共衞生與全球供應鏈的                                                       changes unseen in a century. Global warming, geopolitical   strong competence in innovation. Among the winners we
                                              重要性。面對眼前的各種挑戰與不確定性,香港必須無間斷地推動創新,才能                                                         issues, and technological innovations are transforming   celebrate  include  a  scientist  devoted  to  cutting-edge
                                              繼往開來,精益求精,遇強越強。                                                                            the political, economic, and social landscape around   research, an industry leader spearheading metaverse
                                                                                                                                         the world. The Covid-19 pandemic has also highlighted   and blockchain technologies, a founder of a unicorn
                                              創新之道,惟在得人。「香港創新領軍人物大獎」的設立,正是要嘉許為香港、                                                        the importance of public health and global supply chain.   company dedicated to tackling social problems through
                                              中國內地,以至世界各地帶來創新貢獻的傑出人士,鼓勵更多港人勇於創新、發揮                                                       In  the  face  of  the  challenges  and  uncertainties,  Hong   innovative technology, and a rising star specialising in
                                              創意、敢於創業,為香港的持續發展注入源源不斷的新動力。                                                                Kong must continue to promote innovation and strive for   developing virus detection technology for the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                         excellence, so that we may build upon our past success   Additionally, some of the award recipients have expanded
                                              今屆,評 審團隊收到逾120份提名,為歷 屆之 冠;每 份提名都創意盎 然、出類                                                   and go from strength to strength.                  their products and business to mainland China and the
                                              拔萃,令各評審深感欣喜。參選者涵蓋科技創新、商業模式、社會創新、文化及創意                                                                                                         world.  Undoubtedly,  they  have  embodied  the  spirit  of
                                              等各個領域。經過兩輪深入嚴謹的評選,並在各評委反覆思量後,九位得獎者                                                         People  drive  innovation.  The  InnoStars  Award  aims  to   “reaching for the stars above and beyond Hong Kong”.
                                              脫穎而出,他們都是創意飛躍、激情滿滿的本地創新領軍人物。                                                               recognise outstanding talents who have contributed   They are also fine examples of how one may contribute to
                                                                                                                                         to driving innovation in Hong Kong, the mainland   mankind through innovation.
                                              每一位得獎者都展現獨當一面的創新實力,當中不乏數十年如一日全情投入科研                                                        China,  and  the  world  at  large.  The  Award  also  aims  to
                                              的科學家、引領元宇宙及區塊鏈技術的業界翹楚、透過科技解決社會痛點的獨角獸                                                       encourage people of Hong Kong to pursue creativity   On  behalf  of  the  Judging  Panel,  I  congratulate  all
                                              企業創辦人,以及在疫情期間專注研發病毒檢測的創科界新星等等。更有得獎者                                                        and entrepreneurship, thereby providing impetus for the   awardees  on  their  well-deserved  recognition.  I  believe
                                              將產品及業務拓展至內地以及全球,充分展現「創出香港,天際飛翔」的精神,是                                                       sustainable growth and development of our city.    they will inspire more Hong Kong people to become
                                              透過創新造福全人類的極佳範例。                                                                                                                               innovators and entrepreneurs and empower various
                                                                                                                                         We  received  a  record-breaking  number  of  nominations   sectors to achieve breakthroughs, leading Hong Kong
                                              我謹代表評審委員會衷心祝賀今屆得獎的創新領軍人物,相信他們將會勉勵更多                                                        exceeding 120. The Judging Panel is delighted to review   towards a brighter future.
                                              港人投身創新、創意、創業的行列,推動社會各界不斷追求突破,帶領香港走向更                                                       exceptional submissions from creative nominees spanning
                                              光明的未來。                                                                                     various sectors such as science and technology, business
                                                                                                                                         model, social innovation, as well as culture and creativity.
                                                                                                 馮國經博士                                   After two rounds of rigorous evaluation, the judges finally                     Dr Victor FUNG
                                                                               香港創新領軍人物大獎評審委員會主席                                         selected nine winners.                                      Chairman, Judging Panel, The InnoStars Award

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