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主席的話                              在創新的年代   我們舒展無限                                                                            Innovation Breeds Opportunities

            Chairman’s                        這是創新的年代。新一輪科技革命和產業變革正在重構全球創新版圖、重塑全球                                                        This is the age of innovation. Wave after wave of   One of the priorities since the Foundation’s inception has

                                              經濟結構。人工智能、生物科技、量子信息、智能製造、物聯網、區塊鏈等前沿領域                                                      technological  revolution is reshaping global growth   been to encourage Hong Kong people to play an active
            Message                           高速發展,科學技術從來沒有像今天這樣深刻影響著全人類生活福祉。                                                            and  recasting  our  economy.  Artificial  intelligence,   role in our country’s innovative developments and ride
                                                                                                                                         biotechnology,  quantum  communication,  smart     on the global tide of creativity. This is why we organise
                                              香港經濟產業過度集中於金融、地產等行業,高居不下的住屋成本窒礙了年輕一代                                                       manufacturing,  the  Internet  of  Things,  and  blockchain   The InnoStars Award. Our aim is to stimulate creativity,
                                              創新創業。深圳於過去40年的奇蹟飛躍,時刻提醒香港反躬自省,積極進取,強勢                                                      are making rapid advances. The impact on our way of life   innovation, entrepreneurship, talent development, and the
                                              改革。「志不求易者成,事不避難者進。」只有不斷創新求變,方能引領香港在時代                                                      is unprecedented.                                  diversification of Hong Kong’s economy.
                                                                                                                                         Hong Kong’s economy relies heavily on the twin pillars   The  National  14th  Five-Year  Plan  offers  clear  support
                                              要鼓勵創新,不僅需要執政者自上而下制訂創新戰略和政策,還要傳播民間的創新                                                       of financial and real estate industries. High housing cost   for Hong Kong to become an international innovation
                                              創業成功範例,讓這些改革先驅者、市場開拓者、創新推動者的傳奇故事,能廣為                                                       often impedes our youngsters’ pursuit for innovation and   and  technology  hub.  The  Central  Government  has
                                              人知,啟發並激勵更多企業家和年輕人學習並樹立信心,成就下一代創新領軍人。                                                       start-up  business.  Shenzhen’s  miraculous  growth  over   stated that it will implement a range of measures to
                                                                                                                                         the  past  40  years  reminds  us  that  we  must  think  hard   support Hong Kong’s development in those areas, and
                                              團結香港基金成立以來的其中一項工作重點,就是要推動港人參與國家的創新                                                         and work hard. As the old saying goes: “Do not seek the   facilitate Hong Kong’s participation in national scientific
                                              建 設,積極融入全球創新大潮。而「香港創新領軍人物大獎」的宗旨,正是激發                                                       easy way out or shun difficulties.” Only through constant   and technological projects. Boundless possibilities and
                                              創意、鼓勵創新、促進創業、推舉人才,驅動香港多元經濟發展。                                                              innovation can we steer Hong Kong through the complex   opportunities are opening up for us.
                                                                                                                                         challenges of modern times.
                                             《十四五規劃》明確支持香港建設國際創新科技中心,中央亦表明會多措並舉支持                                                                                                           With the rapid development of the Greater Bay Area and
                                              香港創新科技發展,讓香港更多參與國家科技創新任務。一條通往創新之都的                                                         To encourage innovation, Government policies and pro-  unique advantages under the “One Country, Two Systems”,
                                              康莊大道正在我們面前,讓我們舒展無限。                                                                        innovation  strategies  are  essential,  but  not  sufficient.   Hong Kong is well poised to contribute to our motherland
                                                                                                                                         We  need  to widely publicise the success stories of   through  innovation  while  improving  the  well-being  of
                                              搭上粵港澳大灣區高速發展的列車,把握「一國兩制」賦予的特殊角色和優勢,                                                        pioneers, market leaders, and innovators, and give them   Hong Kong people. This is the call of the time. It is our
                                              香港須以更創新的思維、更長遠的眼光和更廣闊的胸襟,發揮香港所長,貢獻國家                                                       public recognition. This will inspire entrepreneurs and   epic mission.
                                              所需。在建設國際創新科技中心這個時代賦予香港的偉大命題上,我相信香港定能                                                       young people to become the next InnoStars.
                                                                                                      董建華                                                                                                                     C H TUNG
                                                                                                 全國政協副主席                                                      Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
                                                                                               團結香港基金主席                                                                                                     Chairman, Our Hong Kong Foundation

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