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由團結香港基金舉辦的「香港創新領軍人物大獎」已踏入第三屆,今屆當選的九位  It gives me great pleasure to congratulate the winners   Hong Kong’s integration into the national development.
 獻辭  領軍人物創意非凡、開啟先河,得獎實至名歸,可喜可賀。  of the InnoStars Award, organised by the Our Hong Kong   Hence,  we  will  definitely  continue  to  invest  in  I&T.
               Foundation.  In  this,  the  third  edition  of  the  Award,  nine   We  will work to strengthen the co-operation among the
 Message  今屆「香港創新領軍人物大獎」有逾120人獲提名,九位得獎者出類拔羣,在多個  individuals  are  being  honoured  for  their  trailblazing   Government, industry, academia and the research sectors
                                                                  here in Hong Kong, while creating synergy with other
               creativity and innovation.
 社會創新、高等教育等範疇,表現卓越,堪作楷模。                                          Mainland cities along the development of the Guangdong-
               The nine winners, selected from more than 120 entries,   Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, thereby achieving
 創新是推動社會進步的重要動力。發展創新科技乃全球大勢所趨,而人才是當中  exemplify  innovative  excellence  in  a  wide  variety  of   mutual growth. What is more, the development of the
 至為關鍵的元素。香港不僅科研實力雄厚,有多所世界級大學作為培育科技人才  sectors and disciplines. These range from health science   Northern  Metropolis  and  the  Shenzhen-Hong  Kong
 的搖籃,還擁有「背靠祖國、聯通世界」的獨特優勢,具備匯聚海內外優秀人才的  and technology to smart manufacturing, gaming and   Innovation and Technology Co-operation Zone will greatly
 有利條件,可謂得天獨厚。  blockchain,  logistics,  social  innovation,  post-secondary   facilitate the flow of, inter alia, scientific research talents
               education and more.                                and resources between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. It allows
 在中央政府大力支持下,特區政府銳意建設香港成為國際創新科技中心,積極                               Hong Kong to give full play to its strengths under the
 融入國家發展大局。我們會繼續投資創科,加強本地「官產學研」的合作,並且  Innovation  is  a  key  driver  for  social  progress.  It  has   principle of “One Country, Two Systems”, which will in turn
 把握粵港澳大灣區的發展機遇,與大灣區內其他城市合力發揮協同效益,達致  become a  dominant world  trend to develop  innovation   contribute to the I&T development of our city and our country.
 互惠共贏。隨著北部都會區和深港科技創新合作區的發展,深港兩地科研人才和  and technology (I&T) with talent as the primary element.
 資源互通亦將更為便利。香港當可在「一國兩制」下更好地發揮自身優勢,為香港  In this regard, Hong Kong is blessed with strong research   This year’s nine worthy recipients of the Award will also
 以至國家的創科事業作出更大貢獻。  capabilities  with  a  number  of  world-class  universities   help us realise those ambitions. In their continuing pursuit
               serving as the breeding ground for I&T talents. Our city   of excellence, their singular ability to advance our economy
 今屆大獎的九位得獎精英,將有助我們朝著以上目標進發。他們在創新路上不斷  is also gifted with the unique advantage in leveraging our   as well as our community, they serve as remarkable role
 精益求精,在促進本港經濟及社會發展方面表現傑出,正為香港及年輕一代樹立  close ties with the Mainland while connecting the world at   models for Hong Kong and our youth.
 良好榜樣。         large, which has been a favourable factor to pool together
               top-notch talented people from all over the world.   I am grateful, too, to the Award’s laudable vetting committee
 我謹向「香港創新領軍人物大獎」甄選委員會各委員,以及由馮國經博士擔任                               and its judging panel, chaired by Dr Victor Fung, and to the
 主席的評審委員會一眾成員,表達謝意。我亦感謝主辦機構團結香港基金設立本  With the staunch support of the Central Government,   organiser, the Our Hong Kong Foundation. In honouring
 獎項,表揚創新意念,推動創新發展,協助香港建設更美好的未來。  my Government is determined to develop Hong Kong   and celebrating innovation, the Foundation is helping to
               into an international I&T hub, as well as stepping up   realise a rewarding future for all in Hong Kong.

 李家超                                                                                              John KC LEE
 香港特別行政區行政長官                                                      Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

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