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前言                                創新創意的輝煌,源自五千年文化承傳                                                                          Glorious Innovations from 5,000-Year Cultural Heritage

            Foreword                          我們常常因中國古代的四大發明引以為豪,但為何科技卻一直落後於西方國家?                                                        We  are  always  proud  of  the  “Four  Great  Inventions”  of   Our Hong Kong Foundation is committed to the promotion

                                              依我之見,中國科技發明的歷史長河都較注重技術的應用,甚至於它們的經濟                                                         ancient China. Yet, despite these inventions, why has China   of innovation at public policy, technological and social
                                              效益,而未有好好地研究科學。舉例來說,我們發明了指南針,但未有好好研究                                                        been lagging behind Western countries in the sphere of   levels. At the same time, it has never ceased to uphold
                                              磁 力;如果有的話,電磁場和電力一定是中國人的發現,工業革命不會只在西方                                                       technology? This is because China has been focusing on   traditional  Chinese  culture,  foster  our  young  people’s
                                              發生。此外,神州大地蘊藏著無限創新創意,為我們帶來很多文化與生活的多樣                                                        the application of inventions and their economic benefits,   understanding of the mother country, and strengthen
                                              性,但往往限於保守和傳統,未有加入科技的探索。                                                                    rather  than  conducting  in-depth  research  into  science.   their  sense  of  Chinese  national  identity.  In  this  age  of
                                                                                                                                         For example, the ancient Chinese invented compass but   innovation, the Foundation has a deep understanding of
                                              幸而我們的科學、技術與創新創意基因一直遺傳下來,沒有流失。所以新中國只                                                        had not delved into the study of magnetism; if they had,   the importance of balancing tradition and novelty.
                                              經過數十年時間的改革開放,就能為中華民族作出重大的發展與成就。在香港                                                         electromagnetic  field  and  electricity  would  have  been
                                              回歸以來,使這中西文化匯聚的維港兩岸,憑藉不屈不撓的精神,從殖民地發展                                                        Chinese  discoveries  instead.  The  industrial  revolution   What we are happy to see is not only the glorious
                                              成為世界矚目的國際城市,更令新一代人的創新創意創業精神,能夠發揚光大。                                                        would not have begun only in the West. China has been a   achievements of ingenuity, creativity, and entrepreneurship,
                                                                                                                                         land of endless creativity with a high level of cultural and   but also the splendid cultural heritage over thousands
                                              故此,團結香港基金在推動政策創新、科技創新、社會創新的同時,從來沒有                                                         social diversity; however, scientific exploration has often   of years of history that has propelled China’s continuous
                                              忘記推廣中國傳統文化、促進年輕人對國家的認識以及對民族的認同。在這個                                                         been shackled by conservative thinking and traditions.  growth and transformation from an ancient civilisation to
                                              創新的年代,基金會在推動創新同時又不遺餘力推廣傳統文化,就是深刻認識到                                                                                                           a modern-day cultural power.
                                              傳統文化和創新創意雙軌並進的重要。                                                                          Fortunately,  our  “DNA”  of  innovation  has  not  been  lost
                                                                                                                                         through the generations. This is why China was able to   “Promoting the spirit of innovation and braving the challenges
                                              我們今天慶祝的,既是創新創意創業的輝煌,亦是千年文化承傳的燦爛,推動                                                         make significant development rapidly within only decades   of our time” is what we must do. I am pleased that more than
                                              中華民族生生不息、發展壯大,從文明古國邁向文化強國。                                                                 after the reform and opening-up. Hong Kong is a metropolis   half of the InnoStars Award nominees were outstanding
                                                                                                                                         where East meets West, and with our perseverance, we   leaders  in  the  field  of  science  and  technology.  They  are
                                             「弘揚創新精神、勇立時代潮頭 」。我十分欣慰,歷屆大獎提名者當中,逾半為                                                        have evolved from a colony to an international city since   the backbone of Hong Kong’s development towards an
                                              科 技 創 新 領 域 的 優 秀領 袖,他 們 都 是 將 香 港 建 設 成 為國 際科 技 創 新中心 的
                                                                                                                                         our return to China. We can observe the kind of innovative   international innovation and technology hub. Once again,
                                              中堅 力量。最後,我亦向本屆「香港創新領軍人物大獎」得獎者和參與者,獻上                                                       and entrepreneurial spirit that is carried forward from the   I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the
                                              由衷的祝賀。                                                                                     past in today’s new generation.                    awardees and nominees!

                                                                                                 徐立之教授                                                                                                          Professor Lap-chee TSUI
                                                                               香港創新領軍人物大獎甄選委員會主席                                                                                                  Chairman, Vetting Committee, The InnoStars Award
                                                                                             香港科學院創院院長                                                                                            Founding President, Hong Kong Academy of Sciences

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