Upcoming Events
09/06/2023 - 15:03
Upcoming Events
09/05/2023 - 16:03
Our Hong Kong Foundation proudly presents the first-ever physical gathering of 2023 International Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference (ITEAC) in Hong Kong! Presented every four years, ITEAC is an international forum that centres on the design and construction of performance spaces and theatre-making. ITEAC 23 will focus on three themes driving dramatic changes in theatres: Digital Revolution, Environmental Sustainability and Serving Communities. 
Upcoming Events
08/31/2023 - 12:17
Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF) is launching its latest policy advocacy report entitled Developing Hong Kong into an International Education Hub. Amid a global talent war and industry transformation trends, building an international education hub is a key strategy not just to cultivate future talents and support new industry growth, but also to raise Hong Kong’s profile in talent attraction and cultural exchange.
08/22/2023 - 16:25

「 香港創業青年內地行成員網絡」主辦《MEET Alumni Network 新春商聚》,邀請到基金會顧問、香港立法會科技創新界議員、香港資訊科技聯會會長邱達根Duncan 擔任分享嘉賓,與創業青年暢談政府政策大力推動第三代互聯網Web3、綠色低碳科技及產業的前景和發展機遇。

基金會公共事務及外展副總裁呂淑琼Louisa 致歡迎辭時預告MEET 2023年度計劃,將聚焦到訪大灣區城市考察。活動上亦播放基金會8周年影片「團結八年 砥礪奮進」,讓大家了解基金會工作。

活動反應熱烈,50多位網絡成員及特邀嘉賓出席,包括 數碼港創業學會聯合會長盧文聰Michael、 香港青年創業家協會會長唐詩韻Micky 和團體代表。