Upcoming Events
10/19/2023 - 12:21
Our Hong Kong Foundation and Pacific Air Holdings are pleased to present the Africa and Greater Bay Area Insight Forum featuring Mr Abel Alemu, Managing Director of Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Services, who will share the global perspectives and opportunities of Hong Kong being the international aviation cargo and logistics hub between Africa and Greater Bay Area.
Upcoming Events
10/18/2023 - 14:18
Our Hong Kong Foundation will hold the “Our Hong Kong Stories” series event on 3rd November, inviting Dr. Trisha Leahy, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Sports Institute, as speaker to share her feelings about living in Hong Kong and how to promote positive Hong Kong stories through sports.
Upcoming Events
10/12/2023 - 14:28
Our Hong Kong Foundation will hold the first “Our Hong Kong Stories” series event on 20th October, inviting Mr. Robert Dorfman, Chairman of Herald Holdings Ltd and Chairman of Incorporated Trustees of the Jewish Community of Hong Kong, to have a sharing on his life in Hong Kong.
09/29/2023 - 15:33
團結香港基金(基金會)、基金會轄下中國文化研究院、香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心、聯合出版集團及香港商務印書館,於2023年9月至2024 年6 月,聯合舉辦「燦爛那一刻 ⸺ 成就你我的核心價值觀」系列講座,以榜樣的力量,推動香港中小學生對核心價值觀的認同。